
Benchmarks testing the simulation speed of nengo_mpi were performed with 3 different machines and 3 different large-scale spiking neural networks. The machines used were a home PC with a Quad-Core 3.6GHz Intel i7-4790 and 16 GB of RAM, Scinet’s General Purpose Cluster, and Scinet’s 4 rack Blue Gene/Q. We tested nengo_mpi using different numbers of processors, and also tested the reference implementation of nengo (on the home PC only) for comparison.

Stream Network

The stream network exhibits a simple connectivity structure, and is intended to be close to the optimal configuration for executing a simulation quickly In parallel using nengo_mpi. In particular, the ratio of the amount of communication vs computation per step is relatively low. The network takes a single parameter \(n\) giving the total number of neural ensembles. The network contains \(\sqrt{n}\) different “streams”, where a stream is a collection of \(\sqrt{n}\) ensembles connected in a circular fashion (so each ensemble has 1 incoming and 1 outgoing connection). Each ensemble is \(4\)-dimensional and contains \(200\) LIF neurons, and we vary \(n\) as the independent variable in the graphs below. The largest network contains \(2^{12} = 4096\) ensembles, for a total of \(200 * 4096 = 819,200\) neurons. In every case, the ensembles are distributed evenly amongst the processors. Each execution consists of 5 seconds of simulated time, and each data point is the result of 5 separate executions.

Random Graph Network

The random graph network is constructed by choosing a fixed number of ensembles, and then randomly choosing ensemble-to-ensemble connections to insantiate until a desired proportion of the total number of possible connections is reached. In all cases, we use \(1024\) ensembles, and we vary the proportion of connections. This network is intended to show how the performance of nengo_mpi scales as the ratio of communication to computation increases, and investigate whether it is always a good idea to add more processors. Adding more processors typically increases the amount of inter-processor communication, since it increases the likelihood that any two ensembles are simulated on different processors. Therefore, if communication is the bottleneck, then adding more processors will tend to decrease performance.

Each ensemble is 2-dimensional and contains 100 LIF neurons, and each connection computes the identity function. With \(n\) ensembles, there are \(n^2\) possible connections (since we allow self-connections and the connections are directed). Therefore in the most extreme case we have have \(0.2 \times 1024^2 \approx 209,715\) connections, each relaying a 2-dimensional value. The number of such connections that need to engage in inter-processor communication is a function of the number of processors used in the simulation, and the particular random connectivity structure that arose. Each execution consists of 5 seconds of simulated time, and each data point is the average of executions on 5 separate networks with different randomly chosen connectivity structure.


SPAUN (Semantic Pointer Architecture Unified Network) is a large-scale, functional model of the human brain developed at the CNRG. It is composed entirely of spiking neurons, and can perform eight separate cognitive tasks without modification. The original paper can be found here. SPAUN is an extremely large-scale spiking neural network (currently approaching 4 million neurons when using 512-dimensional semantic pointers) with very complex connectivity, and represents a somewhat more realistic test than the more contrived examples used above. In the plots below we vary the dimensionality of the semantic pointers, the internal representations used by SPAUN.

Clearly the larger clusters are providing less of a benefit here. The hypothesized reason is that thus far we have been unable to split SPAUN up into sufficiently small components than can be simulated independently. There are some components with many thousands of neurons on them. Thus the limiting factor for the speed of simulation is how quickly an individual processor is able to simulate one of these large components. We can likely remedy this by playing around with the connectivity of SPAUN and finding ways to reduce the maximum component size.