Is there any build step parallelization?

No, nengo_mpi only provides parallelization for the simulation step. The build step is where all the really difficult stuff happens, which, for instance, makes an Ensemble act like an Ensemble. Therefore, nengo_mpi simply uses vanilla nengo’s builder, which runs serially in python.

During an invocation such as:

mpirun -np 8 python -m nengo_mpi nengo_script.py

the build step is performed entirely by the process with index 0.

It is definitely possible to create a parallelized version of the builder. However, that should probably use a more python-friendly, platform-agnostic technology than MPI (something like ZeroMQ). In other words, thats another project.

What is the difference between a cluster a component, a partition, a chunk, a process, a processor, and a node? I’ve seen all these words used in the code with apparently similar meanings.

All these terms do in fact have precise meanings in the context of nengo_mpi. They can nicely be divided up into terms that apply at build time and terms that apply at simulation time.

  • Build Time

    • A cluster (distinct from a cluster of machines in high-performance computing) is a group of nengo objects that must be simulated together, for any of a number of reasons (see the class NengoObjectCluster in partition/base.py). The most prominent reason is that there is an path of Connections between the two objects that does not have a synapse (since synapses are the main source of “update” operators; see How It Works). Another common reason is that the two objects are connected by a Connection which has a learning rule. The partitioning step applies a partitioning function to a graph whose nodes are clusters.
    • A component (as in a component of a partition) is a group of clusters that will be simulated together. Components are computed by the partitioning step. When creating an instance of nengo_mpi.Simulator, we typically specify the number of components that we want the network to be divided into. When nengo_mpi saves a network to file for communication with the C++ code, each component is stored separately.
    • A partition is a collection of components. The goal of the partitioning step is to create a partition of the set of clusters, in the sense used here. High-quality partitions are those which do not assign drastically different amounts of work to different components, and which minimize the amount of communication between components.
  • Simulation Time

    • A process is, of course, an OS abstraction for a line of computation. A processor is a physical computation device. Processes run on processors. It is generally possible to run a nengo_mpi simulation using more processes than there are processors available on the machine, however the amount of parallelization we can obtain is determined by the number of physical processors (though hyperthreading can increase the effective number of processors). The number of processes used to run a simulation is specified by the -np <NP> command-line argument when calling mpi_run.
    • A chunk (see chunk.hpp) is the C++ code’s abstraction for a collection of nengo objects (actually, signals and operators corresponding to those objects) that are being simulated by a single process. There is a one-to-one relationship between chunks and processes. One of the first things that each process does is create a chunk.
    • The relationship between chunks/processes and components is as follows. At build time the network is divided into some specified number of components by partitioning. At simulation time, some specified number of chunks/processes will be active. Components are assigned to chunks/processes in a round-robin fashion. For example, if there are 4 chunks/processes active and the network to simulate has 7 components, then process 0 simulates components 0 and 4, process 1 simulates 1 and 5, etc. If the network instead had only 3 components, then process 3 would be left without anything to simulate, which is perfectly OK.
    • In the world of High-Performance Computing, a node (distinct from a nengo Node) is a physical computer consisting of some number of processors. On the General Purpose Cluster there are 8 processors per node and on Bluegene/Q there are 16 (that becomes 16 for GPC and 64 for BGQ once hyperthreading is taken into account). When running on one of these high-performance clusters, jobs are assigned computational resources in units of nodes rather than processors.